ELEC70022 Modelling and Control of Multi-Body Mechanical SystemsLecturer(s): Dr Simos Evangelou Aims
This module introduces theoretical approaches for the modelling and control of multibody mechanical systems. Special emphasis is given to the use of computer tools for the modelling aspect.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to: 1. Distinguish between the two main branches of Classical Mechanics: Newtonian (vectorial) and Lagrangian (analytical) mechanics 2. Make confident use of the basic tools of Classical Mechanics related to these two main branches 3. Represent real mechanical systems as multibody systems 4. Develop models, in the form of differential equations, of real mechanical systems using the two main methods from Classical Mechanics (Newton's laws and Lagrangian equations of motion); 5. Derive equations of motion for mechanical systems with holonomic and nonholonomic constraints; 6. Apply techniques from control theory to improve the behaviour of systems represented by multibody models 7. Model and control multibody systems using SimScape Multibody software tool
Basic vector calculus; Newtonian mechanics; Holonomic and nonholonomic systems; Control of nonholonomic systems; Kinematics of rigid body motion; Dynamics of rigid body motion; Variational principles and analytical mechanics: Calculus of variations and Lagrange multipliers, Euler-Lagrange differential equations, Virtual work, D'Alembert's principle, Hamilton's principle and Lagrangian equations of motion; Multibody building software.
Exam Duration: 3:00hrs Exam contribution: 75% Coursework contribution: 25% Term: Autumn Closed or Open Book (end of year exam): Open Coursework Requirement: To be announced Oral Exam Required (as final assessment): N/A Prerequisite module(s): None required Course Homepage: unavailable Book List: