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ELEC50011B Mathematics for Engineers IIB

Lecturer(s): Dr Stefan Vlaski; Prof Tom Pike; Dr Stefan Vlaski


Mathematics is the foundation of engineering sciences and has become increasingly relevant to disciplines that are driving technological developments in this digital age.
In this module, we will build on the concepts taught in Year 1 to cover more advanced topics in mathematics that are relevant to both electrical and information engineering.
The topics to be covered are divided in two parts:
Part A: Complex Variables and Linear Algebra
Part B: Probability and Statistics.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

1. Use MATLAB to solve nonlinear two-dimensional differential equations based on numerical techniques.
2. Utilise concepts in linear algebra to solve problems in signal processing, systems and control.
3. Explain the concepts and techniques of probability and statistics and compute properties of random systems.
4. Use basic Bayesian estimator and calculate the method of moment and the maximum likelihood estimator.
5. Formulate the ways in which these mathematical techniques are applied to technical problems in your engineering modules.


Part A: Complex variables and linear algebra
- Conformal mapping and contour integration
- Linear transformations, matrix decomposition and computation with matrices; singular value decomposition
Part B: Probability and Statistics
- Random variables, probability density function, cumulative distribution function, expectation and variance of a single and multiple discrete or continuous random variable(s), change of variables, moments, moment generating function, conditional expectation and variance
- Basic properties of estimators, method of moments and maximum likelihood estimators
Exam Duration: 1:30hrs
Exam contribution: 80%
Coursework contribution: 20%

Term: Autumn

Closed or Open Book (end of year exam): N/A

Coursework Requirement:
         Laboratory Experiment
         Non-assessed problem sheets

Oral Exam Required (as final assessment): no

Prerequisite module(s): None required

Course Homepage: unavailable

Book List: