ELEC50004 Control SystemsLecturer(s): Prof Thomas Parisini Aims
The aim of this module is to provide you with the basic elements of the theory of dynamic systems and of the basic techniques to design automatic control systems meeting functional and performance specifications and taking into account technological constraints. Dynamic models in the state-space and in the frequency domain are dealt with as well as basic time-behaviour analysis of closed-loop systems. Static and dynamic design of the control system is addressed and links are established with the experimental validation on a selected hardware test benchmark in the laboratory of the dynamic models and the satisfaction of the closed-loop requirements.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
1. Construct linear dynamic models of engineering systems of practical relevance in the frequency and in the state-space domain 2. Recognise the basic principles governing the behaviour of a closed-loop control system including the modes of behaviour of its basic components 3. Evaluate, among several options, how to configure and structure the architecture and the controller of an automatic control system starting from functional requirements and considering technological constraints 4. Analyse the static and dynamic performance of basic linear feedback control systems and design controllers such that the overall control system behaves according to pre-specified requirements. 5. Analyse and quantify the impact of digital implementation of the control system on the closed-loop performance 6. Validate experimentally the dynamic models and the satisfaction of the closed-loop requirements on a selected hardware test benchmark in the laboratory Syllabus
Introduction to control problems Objectives of closed-loop automatic control. Examples in the engineering and industrial context of automatic control problems. Transient and steady-state performances of control systems. Types and elements of an automatic control system (open-loop, closed-loop, compensation, regulators, sensors, actuators). Motivations for the use of discrete-time control systems. Dynamic models Continuous-time and discrete-time linear systems: time-domain and transfer function models, stability. Step-response (with emphasis on first and second-order systems), block schemes. Mathematical description of significant engineering systems in continuous and discrete-time. Relations between frequency response and time response. Interpretation of linear systems as filters. Sampled-data systems Sampling process, aliasing, choice of sampling time. Continuous-discrete conversion approximate techniques: implicit Euler method, Tustin transform. Analysis and design of automatic control systems Control systems requirements: stability, precision, disturbance compensation, robustness. Stability analysis: Nyquist and Bode criteria. Performance analysis and relation with loop-transfer function characteristics. Design of continuous time regulators using the Bode and root-locus methods. Design of sampled-data controllers by discretisation of continuous-time controllers: use of continuous-discrete conversion approximate techniques. PID controllers
Exam Duration: 2:00hrs Exam contribution: 60% Coursework contribution: 40% Term: Spring Closed or Open Book (end of year exam): N/A Coursework Requirement: Laboratory Experiment Non-assessed problem sheets Oral Exam Required (as final assessment): no Prerequisite module(s): None required Course Homepage: unavailable Book List: