ELEC50001 Circuits and SystemsLecturer(s): Prof Peter Cheung; Dr Aaron Zhao Aims
This module builds on the first-year modules relating to analogue and digital circuits, computer architecture, and programming, to teach students how to analyse and design electronic circuits with a system level perspective. The aim of this module is to provide students with the theoretical foundations, the design techniques and hands-on experiences of acquiring physical analogue signals, pre-processing them, converting into digital form, then process these in a digital programmable hardware on both a microprocessor and on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Unlike Year 1 module on circuits, this year students will learn to process signals that have noise and electronic hardware that are non-ideal.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Design, analyse and explain sensors analogue circuit interfaces between the input and digital signal processing phase; - Explain the common type of DAC and ADC architectures currently used in industry; . - Design low-pass, high-pass and band-pass filters for preconditioning signals; - Choose suitable low-noise pre-amplifiers and analyse its impact on noise performance of the system; - Choose suitable output circuit architecture for high current drive and design a circuit to meet specification; - Design reasonably complex circuits involving digital building blocks such as shift register, RAM and FSM, and interface them to a processor; - Write good quality Verilog code to specify digital hardware; - Implement digital hardware on an FPGA; Design a basic testbench circuit. Syllabus
Topics to be covered are:
- Sensors; - Sampling and quantization of signals; - Data conversion and converters; Analogue filters; - High current drive circuits; - Digital building blocks (e.g. shift registers, RAM/ROM, Multipliers); - FPGA architectures; - Finite State Machine (FSM) Design; - Digital interfacing; - Digital Design in Verilog HDL; - Testbench designs Exam Duration: N/A Exam contribution: 60% Coursework contribution: 40% Term: Autumn Closed or Open Book (end of year exam): Closed Coursework Requirement: Laboratory Experiment Non-assessed problem sheets Oral Exam Required (as final assessment): no Prerequisite module(s): None required Course Homepage: http:// Book List: