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COMP60009 Distributed Algorithms

Lecturer(s): Dr Naranker Dulay


Learning Outcomes


To study the methods and algorithms appropriate for the construction of distributed programs.
Distributed program: definition, parallelism and communication.
Distribution issues: concurrency control, atomicity, consistency of replicated data, decision making based on partial information.
Distributed algorithms: consensus, mutual exclusion, detection and resolution of deadlock, termination detection, commit protocols.
Distributed programming paradigms: client-server, Byzantine generals, timestamps, token rings, diffusing computation, multicast.
The Regis distributed system will be used as the vehicle for description and practice.
Exam Duration: 2:00hrs
Exam contribution: 80%
Coursework contribution: 20%

Term: Spring

Closed or Open Book (end of year exam): N/A

Coursework Requirement:
         To be announced

Oral Exam Required (as final assessment): N/A

Prerequisite module(s): None required

Course Homepage: 347;Distributed Algorithms;

Book List: